
Prevention of gnashing and wear of teeth

Worn teeth, increased masticatory muscle tone, headaches spreading towards the ear, etc. are signs of possible bruxism.

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Prevention of gnashing and wear of teeth

Grinding of the teeth (also known as bruxism) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint of the lower jaw, which is characterised by severe biting and grinding of the teeth when not chewing. Many factors can cause this disorder. It may betray the patient’s emotional stress, anxiety, psychological experiences, sleep disturbances, neurological disorders and aggressiveness. Research has shown that the development of bruxism can also be influenced by changes in the occlusal surface of the teeth following the appearance of a new restoration, which can affect the position of other teeth.

The causes of bruxism are classified as local (dental trauma, over-restoration, atypical eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth, misalignment of teeth, lip deformities, gingival hyperplasia), systemic (brain damage, mental retardation, Down’s Syndrome, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, cerebral palsy), neurological (anxiety, stress).

Prevention of gnashing and wear of teeth

When to seek treatment for bruxism


Treatment for bruxism should be sought as soon as the symptoms are felt or noticed, as gnashing of the teeth is often not even suspected. Worn teeth and increased tone in the muscles of mastication are the most common warning signs of possible bruxism. Other signs of bruxism include headaches or pain in the chewing muscles spreading towards the ear, sensitivity of the teeth to cold, bite marks on the cheek or tongue, and disturbed sleep.

If bruxism is left untreated, the teeth become more and more worn, shortened, stumpy, and can crack under heavy loads, which can lead to removal. Long-term bruxism increases the risk of decay not only of natural teeth but also of dentures and fillings.

There are two types of bruxism – sleep and wakefulness. Sleep bruxism, in which the biting force exceeds that of physiological biting by up to 3 times, can have extremely serious consequences. This type of bruxism is indicated by periodontal problems, jaw pain, muscle strain and fatigue, headaches, worn teeth, misaligned teeth, fractured tooth roots, and restricted morning stretching. Vigilance bruxism is most often diagnosed with other habits that are harmful to the teeth, such as specific positioning of the jaw, unconscious biting of the jaws or nails, during concentration or in stressful situations

How bruxism is treated

A comprehensive approach to the diagnosis of bruxism and tooth wear and the prescription of treatment and preventive measures is essential. In order to prescribe the most effective treatment for teeth grinding, it is essential to first identify the causes of bruxism as precisely as possible. In many cases, the treatment of bruxism is a complex one, combining several methods and involving the care of specialists in several fields.

When you arrive for your consultation, you will first take a medical history, assess the condition of your teeth and the level of tooth decay. The treatment of bruxism often starts with an analysis of the patient’s psychological state and can be treated by promoting alertness, awareness and monitoring of the patient’s behaviour.

Tension can be relieved by special exercise or massage, which may lead to referrals to physiotherapy specialists.

Orthopaedic treatment can also be used to reduce the damaging effects of gnashing on the teeth. This is done with interocclusal appliances – nightguards. They do not eliminate the cause of bruxism and possible joint dysfunctions, but they help to effectively control nocturnal bruxism and protect the dental hard tissues.

One part of the treatment of bruxism is the restoration of damaged teeth. In the case of minor damage, worn tooth surfaces can be restored with aesthetic fillings or dental veneers. If treatment is delayed, it may require a bite lift, dentures or, if the teeth have been particularly badly damaged by grinding, extraction. The earlier you go to the doctor and the less damaged your teeth are, the quicker and easier the treatment.

If the gnashing is caused by crooked teeth and malocclusion, orthodontic treatment is recommended.

What to expect and how to enjoy the result for as long as possible

Controlling gnashing not only improves the patient’s physical well-being, but also their psychological well-being – no more worrying about the risk of losing more and more teeth. It is important to know that the outcome of the treatment depends on the cause of the teeth grinding. If it is caused by irregular tooth positioning, poor quality restorations, it is possible to effectively solve the problem permanently. However, if the causes of bruxism are psychological, the patient’s own motivation, commitment to lifestyle changes and efforts to manage stress are the most important factors in the outcome of treatment

Worried about worn, misaligned teeth? Bothered by jaw and headaches? Sign up for a consultation for the treatment and prevention of gnashing and wear at the Dantų meistrai clinic and effectively resolve your problems.

What to expect and how to enjoy the result for as long as possible

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