Grinding of the teeth (also known as bruxism) is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint of the lower jaw, which is characterised by severe biting and grinding of the teeth when not chewing. Many factors can cause this disorder. It may betray the patient’s emotional stress, anxiety, psychological experiences, sleep disturbances, neurological disorders and aggressiveness. Research has shown that the development of bruxism can also be influenced by changes in the occlusal surface of the teeth following the appearance of a new restoration, which can affect the position of other teeth.
The causes of bruxism are classified as local (dental trauma, over-restoration, atypical eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth, misalignment of teeth, lip deformities, gingival hyperplasia), systemic (brain damage, mental retardation, Down’s Syndrome, gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, cerebral palsy), neurological (anxiety, stress).