1. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people every year.
2. Smokers have a higher risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19 or dying from the disease.
3. Smoking gives you an unpleasant smell on your skin, your fingers, your home, your clothes, not to mention the air you breathe.
4. Tobacco causes yellowing of the teeth and makes it easier for plaque to form.
5. Tobacco use causes cancers of the mouth, lips, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus.
6. Tobacco use increases the risk of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease (CID), which leads to jaw loss and tooth loss.
7. Smokers have a much higher risk of complications after surgical procedures.
8. Smokers are more likely to lose bone density and fracture more easily.
9. Chewing tobacco can cause oral cancer, gum disease, tooth browning and tooth loss.
10. Smoking promotes premature skin ageing. Your skin loses elasticity and dries out, making you look older than you really are.
11. It is estimated that around USD 1.4 trillion is spent annually on health care costs to treat tobacco-related diseases.
12. Smokers are more likely to suffer from infertility. Quitting smoking makes it easier to get pregnant, and reduces the chances of premature births and miscarriages.
13. Smoking can cause erectile dysfunction in men, as well as reduced sperm count, motility.
14. E-cigarette use increases the risk of heart disease and lung problems.
15. The nicotine in e-cigarettes is an addictive substance that can harm children’s developing brains.
16. Smokers are up to 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. Tobacco use is the leading cause of lung cancer, accounting for more than two-thirds of lung cancer deaths worldwide.
17. Smoking increases the risk of psoriasis.
18. Children of smokers suffer from impaired lung function, asthma and middle ear disease, which can lead to hearing impairment.
19. One in five tobacco smokers will develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in their lifetime, especially those who start smoking in childhood and adolescence, as tobacco smoke significantly slows down lung growth and development.
20. Smoking can aggravate asthma, limit people’s activity, contribute to disability and increase the risk of severe asthma attacks.
21. Smokers have twice the risk of stroke and four times the risk of heart disease.
22. Tobacco smoke damages the arteries of the heart, causing plaque build-up and blood clots that restrict blood flow and lead to heart attacks and strokes.
23. Tobacco smoking more than doubles the risk of tuberculosis transforming from a latent to an active state.