
How do vitamins and minerals help teeth?

The human body needs a wide range of minerals and vitamins to maintain good health and well-being. It is important that we get a balanced intake of them, neither too little nor too much, because only then can they do their job properly.

How do vitamins and minerals help teeth?

The human body needs a wide range of minerals and vitamins to maintain good health and well-being. It is important that we get a balanced intake of them, neither too little nor too much, because only then can they do their job properly. And do you know which substances are particularly useful and necessary for teeth? These include fluoride, calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus. By ensuring that you have enough of them in your body, you are making a significant contribution to the prevention of tooth decay and oral diseases.


Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in water and is especially important for our teeth. Studies have shown that it can reduce tooth decay by about 60%. For this reason, as many as 95% of all leading toothpaste brands contain fluoride. This element protects teeth from the harmful effects of acids and reduces the risk of tooth decay. However, it cannot be present in excessive amounts, as it can weaken the immune system and displace calcium from the bones, causing them to become brittle.

People get fluoride from drinking water, salt, green tea, seafood, spinach, lettuce, peas, toothpaste and mouthwashes that are enriched with fluoride. In addition, fluoride enters our bodies when we consume products that have been treated with fluoride pesticides, such as dried fruit and cocoa powder, and when we cook in Teflon-coated frying pans.

So, like everything in life, fluoride has two sides. When it is present in small amounts in our body, it helps protect our teeth. But when it is above the limit, it becomes harmful to health. How do you know how much fluoride you are getting from the environment? First of all, you can take a blood test in a laboratory to determine the amount of this element in your body. You can also take a sample of your drinking water and test it for fluoride levels. This will tell you whether the water you are drinking is of the right quality and does not contain too much fluoride.



Calcium is a trace element that is vital for the human body. It helps muscles, joints and bones stay strong, but it also protects teeth. Calcium stimulates the heart, helps the blood to clot, reduces nervous irritability and maintains bone structure. It is responsible for good tooth and gum health by continuously replacing lost calcium particles.

When deficient, cramps, insomnia, increased nervousness, numbness in the limbs, brittle nails, splitting of the nails, and loss of hair tips may occur. In addition, calcium deficiency leads to bleeding gums and faster tooth decay. It is therefore very important that your diet does not lack a variety of foods containing calcium. These include milk and milk products, salmon, almonds and other nuts, seeds, dried apricots, beef, parsley, parsley, broccoli, cabbage and dark green leafy vegetables.

Calcium is best absorbed through food, but in cases of severe calcium deficiency and in order to restore calcium balance in the body as quickly as possible, dietary supplements can also be taken.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D regulates metabolism in our bodies. It helps to absorb calcium and keep it in our bones and teeth. A lack of this vitamin can lead to weak muscles, weakened immunity, softer bones, less strong teeth and loose teeth. This makes people fear that they may have periodontal disease and rush to the dentist. If the dentist does not find an objective cause for the periodontal disease, the patient is usually sent for a blood test to determine the level of vitamin D in the blood. If a deficiency is confirmed, additional vitamin D supplementation is prescribed.

The best way to get vitamin D is to get it directly from the sun, but in Lithuania it is difficult to do so, so many people lack it. Certain foods, such as oily fish, cereals, egg yolks, fish oil, butter, cheese, beef liver, provide extra vitamin D. Vitamin D is also available from dietary supplements.

Vitamin D


 Phosphorus is another beneficial element that helps us stay healthy. 85% of it is found in teeth and bones. Working together with calcium and vitamin D, it works in the body to contribute to good health and good looks.

A lack of phosphorus makes you feel tired, complain of a lack of appetite, find it harder to concentrate, and develop rickets and bone softening. You can get phosphorus from turkey, tuna, sunflower seeds, rice, oats, dairy products, fish, eggs, beans, peas and beef.

So, in order to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible, the first thing you need to do is to have good oral hygiene, but, as you have realised, a balanced diet is just as important. The vitamins and minerals you get from food have a huge impact on the strength and resistance of your teeth to harmful external influences. Fluoride, calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus are essential for beautiful and healthy teeth. 


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