
Modern methods for restoring all teeth: from the most cost-effective to the most reliable

Tooth loss is a pressing problem. Many older people have lost all their teeth or just a few. According to experts, it is not uncommon for people in their thirties to need all their teeth restored.

Modern methods for restoring all teeth: from the most cost-effective to the most reliable

Tooth loss is a pressing problem. Many older people have lost all their teeth or just a few. According to experts, it is not uncommon for people in their thirties to need all their teeth restored. The most common causes of tooth loss are systemic diseases and inadequate oral care – if the necessary skills are not developed in childhood, it is often impossible to save them once you are concerned about your teeth. The good news is that modern dentistry offers reliable methods of restoring teeth that not only restore aesthetics and chewing function, but also significantly increase self-esteem and help prevent psychological problems. Dentist Gotfridas Krujalskis, a dentist at the “Dantų meistrai” clinic in Kupiškis, tells us about them.

Reasons for delays in restoring teeth

According to the specialist, despite the possibilities of modern dentistry, tooth restoration is still often delayed. One of the reasons for not going to specialists is a fear that has survived from the old days, when not only other treatment methods were used, but also the attitude of doctors differed – it was believed that it was natural for the patient to suffer during dental treatment. G. Krujalskis calms down all the dentists who are still afraid, assuring that now the procedures are performed only after anesthetizing the treated area, so that the patient does not have to experience any unpleasant sensations.

Another reason for delays is a general neglect of one’s own health, not only neglecting dental and oral health, but also avoiding going to the doctors altogether because they are not trusted. However, according to the dentist, there is always a tipping point and there is no choice but to seek treatment. Another reason is not knowing that if you lose your teeth, they need to be restored as soon as possible in order to prevent more serious problems and more complex and expensive treatment.

According to the doctor, tooth restoration is often avoided for financial reasons, because of a lack of money or simply to avoid high costs. Krujalskis points out that the clinic “Dantų meistrai” has concluded an agreement with the Territorial Patients’ Fund (TLK) on the provision and payment of dental services, therefore, persons who have reached the age of old-age pension, children under 18 years of age, persons recognised as incapable of working or partially capable of working and persons who have been treated for oral, maxillofacial and jaw oncological diseases can be reimbursed by the “Privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondas” (PSDF) for denture prosthetics services.

What can be the consequences of delay

Dentists warn that the loss of just one tooth can cause the jawbone to dissolve, threatening the adjacent teeth as they lose their support and begin to move towards the site of the lost tooth. If more teeth are lost, the chewing function is impaired, with the front teeth or one side of the teeth being used to chew, which also leads to faster wear and damage to the remaining teeth due to the load that has been placed on them. Poorly chewed food can also lead to stomach pain, ulcers and gastrointestinal problems. When food is poorly digested, all the nutrients – vitamins and minerals – needed for the normal functioning of our bodies are not absorbed, which leads to poorer overall health and well-being.

“Impaired chewing function can also lead to migraines. When chewing on one side or incorrectly, the position of the jaw joint is deformed, a nerve can be pinched or a trigger point can appear in the joint, leading to headaches,” warns Mr. Krujalski.

He stresses that teeth should be restored as soon as possible to avoid unwanted changes.
It is not recommended to delay for more than a year.

Options for restoring most or all of the lost teeth

Most or all lost teeth can be effectively restored with dentures, he says. The cheapest option is a removable dental plate, which is most often chosen by older people. The plate is fixed in the mouth using a vacuum and restores up to 25% of chewing function. Although it is not comfortable and does not fully replace natural teeth, it has the advantage of being relatively low cost and can be almost fully reimbursed by the National Health Insurance Fund.

For greater comfort, the removable denture can be fixed on 2-4 titanium implants that hold it in place. This ensures greater stability of the denture – it does not move when biting or chewing, which results in a better chewing function (up to 50%). The removability of the denture allows easy cleaning. As for the downsides, the doctor says that the denture moves a little anyway, it is not completely stable, food gets underneath it when eating, and the retaining elastics usually need to be replaced every year, and the denture itself needs to be replaced every 5-10 years as it wears out. The good news is that the new denture is fixed on the same implants. The cost of this prosthesis is also quite economical, according to Mr. Krujalskis, starting at EUR 1 600 per jaw. This type of prosthesis is also eligible for reimbursement by the IPC.

The most effective way of restoring most or all of the lost teeth is to fix non-removable dentures on 4-6 implants. Not only do they restore 100% of the chewing function, but they also provide a very natural aesthetic appearance, longevity and maximum comfort. According to the dentist, patients who have chosen this method of tooth restoration say that they feel as if they have their own teeth with implant-retained dentures.

Options for restoring most or all of the lost teeth

Krujalskis says that the number of implants needed depends on the size of the patient’s jaw, the strength of the muscles, the amount of bone, and other things, so it is always individually selected. An implant-supported temporary denture can be made within 24 hours. So, according to the doctor, the next day the patient walks out with new, comfortable, highly aesthetic, non-removable teeth, with which he or she can speak, laugh and chew food with ease – the chewing function is restored to 100 %. After 6-12 months, the temporary denture is replaced with a permanent one. According to the specialist, implant-supported dentures are probably the only option for people with a sensitive palate or tongue. Such people usually cannot wear removable dentures because they feel severe nausea when they touch the root of the tongue or the palate, and a fixed denture helps to avoid this.

The specialist points out that patients who choose implant-supported prosthetics and meet certain conditions may also be reimbursed by the PSDF budget. If the patient has been missing teeth for a long time, and the mandibular bone has deteriorated (less than 12 mm) and the plates do not hold, he/she may be eligible for an increased reimbursement of about €2 000 for prosthetic treatment.

According to Krujalskis, the upper jaw plates are quite stable, while the lower jaw plates are usually very uncomfortable to remove. In this case, only the lower jaw can be restored with an implant-retained prosthesis. According to the specialist, each patient’s situation is different, but in each case, the most suitable method of restoring teeth can be found after assessing the patient’s teeth and bone condition, preferences, expectations and financial possibilities.

“So it’s definitely worth it to have your teeth restored. With restored teeth, you can communicate, laugh and eat again without discomfort, your digestive problems disappear, your self-confidence increases, your overall health and quality of life improves,” says dentist Gottfried Krujalski, as he concludes the conversation with those who are still waiting.

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